Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Personal Flying Decision

Since I got my Ultralight aircraft several months ago I have been faced with a decision that I was not sure how to answer. I thought about the choices and I asked advice from various people I know who could guide me in making this decision. With their input combined with input from friends and family, I did finally make a decision.

Here is the scenario. Ever since I purchased my Powered Parachute I have been asked by complete strangers about giving them a ride. How do I answer them politely without being rude? I have had complete strangers come up and try to make themselves friends and then ask for a ride. I have had people wave money in front of my face for a ride right now. In fact the price has gone up a few times.

Here is what I decided. Since my Powered Parachute currently falls under the FAA Part 103 Ultralight Aircraft Operations rules, I must follow those rules. Those rules stated that a two seat Ultralight trainer is to be used for training purposes only. Therefore you cannot give anybody a ride. The only way you can carry a second person is for that person to be either a student pilot or on a “Discovery Flight” to see if they are interested in becoming a pilot.

Now a single seat Ultralight falls directly in the FAA Part 103 rules. No license or training is required, but strongly recommended. But a two seat Ultralight was designed for training only. So, when you fly a two seat Ultralight you are either “under training” or “maintaining flight proficiency”. If you do not have an Ultralight Flight Instructors rating then you can only fly a two seat Ultralight under the supervision of an instructor. Once you obtain your Ultralight Flight Instructors rating you fly a two seat Ultralight for either training a new student or maintaining flight proficiency.

Since I have now passed my Ultralight Flight Instructor's test, I can give perspective students a “Discovery Flight”. When I fly by myself I am maintaining flight proficiency. Therefore, I am covered under the rules.

Now back to question at hand. Do I want to give “Discovery Flights”? Do I want to take on students? Yes, but only some of both. I have friends that I would be willing to give a “Discovery Flight” but that does not solve the overall problem of when strangers ask. This is what I came up with.

I will give Ultralight Flight Instruction and a Discovery Flight to immediate friends and family and to anyone who purchases a Powered Parachute. If you spend several thousand on purchasing a Powered Parachute, regardless of where you obtained it, I will help teach you. This way I end up with a new friend to fly with.

But, I reserve the right to give “Discovery Flights” to whomever I choose.