Saturday, October 23, 2004

The Leaves Blow The Wrong Way

Now that summer is over and fall is upon us the annual event to rake the yard has begun. Since I live in the middle of a forest, I have a couple of dozen trees on my property and hundreds of trees in the surrounding woods and it seems as if most of the leaves end up in my yard. Since today was such a nice day, partly cloudy, 65 degrees with a nice breeze, I decided to rake some of the leaves.

The one thing I forgot to remember is never try to second guess Mother Nature. I took into consideration the direction that the wind was blowing and started raking from the upwind side of the yard to the downwind. I thought that was a smart move. Just before I was halfway done the wind shifted. What was once blowing from the west now came from the south. Ok, I started raking in different direction staying with the wind. A few leaves started to blow back to where I had already been but I kept most of the leaves under control, so I thought.

Suddenly, a big wind blew from the east and my piles of leaves moved back to where they came from. As hard I as I raked, more leaves blew back.

So, I decided to give up. Mother Nature won today. I'll wait for another day to rake.


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