Saturday, October 16, 2004

Is It Over Yet?

Is this election over yet? No, I am not going to tell you my election choice. But has this campaign come down to the "lesser of two evils"? The presidental election process has been reduced to spending large amounts of money on bending the truth. I'm not going to say what truth got bent or not. That is not my point here. And no, I don't want to hear opinions from people saying their choice is better or my choice is bad, I'm just tired of hearing the commercials. Tired enough to turn off the TV, turn off the radio and avoid the mailbox.

I think what people fail to remember is that our system of government requires the President to work with Congress to get things done. With a Democratic President, and a Democratic controlled Congress, things will get done for the Democratic party. Also, if you have a Republican President and a Republican controlled Congress, things will get done for the Republican party.

Now, if you have one side a Democrat and the other side a Republican, do they get anything done? Candidates always promise many things and without the support of Congress, they can't get them done. We have to look at the big picture. Can Kerry get things done with this Congress? Can Bush?

That is for each of you to decide. What everyone needs to do is to become involved, become informed, and look at the issues. Did one candidate really vote for an issue? Or vote against it?

I'm ready for the election process to be over. I'm ready to cast my vote for the person of my choice. I'm not going to listen to anymore commericals or read anymore junk mail. Regardless of who wins, that person will be the President, the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces, the recognized big-boss of America for the next 4 years. If my choice wins I will be happy. If my choice doesn't I can complain and vote at the next election.

If you want your choice to win, vote. But vote carefully and vote informed. If you don't vote you can't complain. And I believe that.

This is a heck of a way to start a blog. No, I don't want this blog to be a political blog. I just wanted to say that I am tired of listening to the campaigning and I'm ready for it to be over. But, I got other topics to discuss in the future.

Thanks for reading .... And vote



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